good times

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tivo Gone Wild !

Finally TV has let go of reality and created some great shows to watch. Now our Tivo is going crazy trying to keep up. For the most part, here is our household lineup:


What are you watching? Anything you recommend?

DwightMy favorite show, The Office, is already going strong this season. It's the one show I have to see right away so I'm able to talk about it at work on Friday. The interactions between characters have become essential formulas for each episode: Michael and Dwight, Jim and Pam, Dwight and's all so good. And if you aren't watching the deleted scenes (available here) then you are missing out on part of the episode. They're not your typical "I know why they were deleted" scenes.

And I still have to watch Season 2 again on DVD.


Chang Kim said...

I'd just add Daily Show.

Anonymous said...

Did you just substitute "Girls" with "Tivo"???

Ferg said...

I'm so ashamed, I've missed the last two episodes of The Office! I thought it was on at 8:00 and it was really on at 7:30 (mountain time, of course. Stupid early prime time). Luckily I've got like-minded friends with TiVo who will save me.

By the way, did I tell you I will be in LA on Oct 25-29?

Miss Lala said...

BAH! so behind! i'm already so behind and the stupid tv season just started! with kristine and i living in the dark ages, i've had to rely on my mom tivoing for me. and who knows when i'll finally get to catch up on what she has saved for me. 2007 maybe?

grrr. stupid good tv shows!!!!!