good times

Monday, October 02, 2006

2 years and counting...

Happy us!

Today marks our 2nd wedding anniversary. Hard to believe how quickly time passes. Guess we're having fun. We'll be celebrating later this week since Joanne has work today. :(

Sorry for the lack of blog entries lately, but I think it's time we'll be catching up. Stay tuned for pictures from our trip to Italy and Switzerland.

Here's a picture of us at Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy. What a beautiful place.

In Piazza San Marco


Chang Kim said...

Happy Anniversary! Hard to believe it's been two years already.

Can't wait to see pictures from Venice. There's no city like it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Crack open the apple cider!

Gina Fujikami said...

Happy 2nd Anniversary! Time flies by so quickly :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniersary you two!!

Anonymous said...

ooops...I forgot the 'v'...and...'v' is very very extraordinary =)

l0 said...

Happy 2 years!

Miss Lala said...

happy 2nd, guys! sorry for my belated wishes. been out of cyberville lately since i've been playing tour guide with my visitor from oz.

say hello to baby dragon for me! ;)

Ferg said...

I don't know why everyone is sending their congratulations. You guys are so happy, it's not like you had to work real hard to make it through two years of marriage!

What, you want a cookie?? ;)