good times

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It's a boy !

Today, we went to see the doctor for our 20 week ultrasound and the big news was that our baby is a boy! He (finally we can say "he") is perfectly healthy for a 20 week old fetus. He sure moves a lot now, which Joanne can tell you from first-hand experience. Here he is, just relaxing in the womb.


And here's a picture of the goods...proof that he's a boy!



Chang Kim said...

Child porn is not cool, Russell.

Anonymous said...

Our first look at Cap'n Jack!

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope when he grows up his co-workers don't refer to him as a mythical character for no aparent reason.

Russell said...

Whatdya mean, Lep?

Ferg said...

Centaur is taken...leprechaun is taken...but there are plenty of mythical creatures remaining. Minotaur? Sphynx? Dragon? Unicorn? We'll have to see how Russell Jr. inspires us.

Ferg said...

BTW, I really like the racing stripe down the length of Dragon's head. Very cool.

Miss Lala said...

oooh i'm with fergie on this one. since you have ruled out larry, i'm going to jump on the "dragon" bandwagon.

you get the whole mythical character thing AND a nod to bruce lee. can't get much better than that!

hooray for baby dragon!

now we can finally start the much anticipated shopping spree!!! giddy up!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats buddy! nice work on producing a dragon. will he be able to breathe fire when he's fully developed?

when are you gettin back from jury duty?? the fun-meter is in the negative.

Anonymous said...

Banzai!! Let the spoiling begin!!