good times

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States

The chain has been broken.

Obama, the 44th President

It's a historic time in our lives: the first African-American President, the largest voter turnout in history, and the first time we've harnessed R2-D2's ability to broadcast via hologram (Thanks, CNN!).

Help me Wolf Blitzer, you're my only hope.


Kevin said...

The "chain has been broken" picture is pretty cool. Yup, IT IS A VERY HISTORIC DAY!!! It will be written in the history books.

As for the hologram... looked pretty lame, but it's a first attempt. Not that bad. She actually looked pretty short compared to Wolf.

Also, on NBC, did you see Ann Curry's segment, where she was standing in a "green room". That looked better.

~ Kevin

Anonymous said...

Why does Grover Cleveland #22 look different from Grover Cleveland #24?