good times

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Force, Pinkberry, the Wind, and UCLA

Nothing is better than unique blog entry titles like that.

Since Jack is now 10 1/2 months old, Joanne and I thought it'd be best to get Jack's Jedi training started. And all Jedi must begin with the weapon of choice. One day, son, you'll make us all proud.

Our Little Jedi
Our Little Jedi

Just the other day, Joanne and Jack had their first Pinkberry. They just opened up a new one here in El Segundo. It's pretty great stuff! The one thing I haven't figured out is what drug they use to lace the fruit with at that place.

Jack's First Pinkberry

It's also been a little windy lately...luckily we have our new handy dandy wind detector.

Snowman down.

And with wind comes leaves...something new we've never had to deal with before. And boy do we get a lot of them.

Ah, the leaves.

I also went to the UCLA/George Washington game with my dad last week. It was good times. UCLA is now 7-1 (losing to Texas), but they'll be exciting to watch this season. It was my first time seeing Kevin Love play in person. He's a huge addition to the team. It was also great to see Darren Collison in his first game back. But in this game, Russell Westbrook (great name) dominated.

Westbrook with a breakaway layup.

That pretty much sums things up.


Chang Kim said...

What's Pinkberry? Looks like something I want to eat, but never heard of it.

Unknown said...

Jack is the cutest boy ever and that's no Jedi mind trick :)

It is definitely autumn at your place, Russ. I can't get over all the fallen leaves, but I love the feel it gives your house.

Miss Lala said...

the force is definitely with jack. i'm just sad the vader/death star transformer is for ages 5 and up. i got really excited when i saw the commercial for it. *sigh*

he might as well be 5 though. i mean, he is almost as tall as joanne now! what are you feeding that kid? ;)

miss you guys!

Russell said...

At first I thought Chang was joking about Pinkberry, but then realized that they're only in SoCal and New York. Pinkberry is huge down here. The next new fad...really good frozen yogurt (that tastes like yogurt) and amazingly fresh fruit. When they first came out, lines were down the street.

Yea, the scene with the leaves is pretty ridiculous...luckily our gardener dude takes care of them every couple weeks. :)

I see toys all the time that I can't wait for Jack to get his hands on. Or is it just me?