good times

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Boeing 7-8-7

The Airbus A380 arrival yesterday was entertaining, but I have to give props to my company for their soon-to-be-released Boeing 787. They are selling quite a bit better because they aimed for fuel efficiency as opposed to super size. I just found out that they plan on completing the first plane on July 8, 2007 (7-8-07). Very nice. Look forward to the first flight sometime in late August.


The Boeing 787 is achieving the increased fuel efficiency by using composites (carbon fiber) instead of steel. The result is a fuel efficient, non-rusting, low maintenance plane with less parts and bigger windows! Amazing what a bunch of string and glue can do. Here's a picture of the factory building long strips of carbon fiber tape. Layers and layers of this stuff will build the fueslage, wings, and tail of the new plane.


Here's a nice link to a site that shows you where the plane is being built and assembled. (LINK)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude those thin things make a plane!? That is crazy. Hey that is a pretty nice looking plane. 7/8/07....okay that is too cute.