good times

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Transformers and Simpsons

The new Transformers movie poster came out and it has good ol' Optimus on it.


Also in July, the Simpsons movie will come out. Gotta see this one, too.

Friday, March 23, 2007

What we have learned as 2-month old parents

Jack turned 2 months old last night and as I sat there watching UCLA defeat Pittsburgh in the NCAA regional semifinals (Go Bruins!), I couldn't help but think of all the amazing events and learning experiences we've had so far. Everyone always told us the first two months were the hardest. That's probably because the greatest number of life changes (for us and Jack) happened in these past two months.

Hanging with dad.

Here are some of the things that we as parents have learned in the past 2 months:

- If he's crying, it's either because he's hungry, has gas, needs a diaper change, or wants to be comforted. The trick is finding out which one is the cause.
- Comforting him might be as simple as being held or as complicated as employing a combination of the 5 S's: Swaddle, Swing, Shhh'ing, Sucking (pacifier), and laying on his Side. I have yet to have one of these not work.
- Learn to swaddle him nice and tight. No, tighter. There you go, that's it.
- Smiling and laughing are his greatest rewards to us. At first he'd only do them in his sleep, but now he likes to share them with us while he's awake.
- I think we got lucky that he likes diaper changes. He didn't like his first diaper change, but now it's one of his favorite activities. Good thing, too, because he was up to 9 diaper changes a day. Now he's down to about 5 or so a day.
- Bath time is one of his other favorite activities. He really didn't like his first bath, but just like the diaper changes, he loves them now.
- Buy lots of wipes. A baby never grows out of wipes.
- Add at least 20 minutes to your expected departure time.
- Learn to deal with a couple hours of sleep at a time. Be thrilled with 3 hours.
- The hardest part of the first 2 months was definitely the feeding (and I'm not talking from first hand experience). Breastfeeding is hard...takes a while to get used to and is constant. That's definitely the most tasking thing for Joanne. I try and do whatever I can to help her out when possible.
- You can never have enough blankets. We received lots of blankets as gifts, and we're using them bed padding, swaddle blankets, travel blankets, etc.
- Take lots of pictures. He changes every day.

Look at that face. He loves getting his hair done.
Doing my hair.

My binky.Here is a quick rundown of our favorite baby items that we couldn't live without:

1. Diaper Genie II - gotta have it, just make sure you get lots of refills; one-handed operation!
2. Soothie Pacifier (shown left) - he loves it and it still cracks me up. Look! It's smiling! Get a few of them; they're easy to lose.
3. Snap 'n Go - just a lightweight stroller frame that easily allows you to snap in the car seat. SO much easier than pulling him out of the car seat each time.
4. Bouncer - great spot for him to hang out on his own; especially great that he can be at the dinner table with us!
5. SwaddleMe - swaddling is great on its own, but the SwaddleMe lets him stay bundled up through the night.

Hangin with mom.

He's ready to go!
Ready to go!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Yes. Finally there is a search engine that we can all rely on:

Move over Yahoo. Move over Google. KFed is here to serve all your web searching needs. You too can play with fire and search with KFed. The best part? Every time you search on SWK you have a chance of winning some sweet KFed gear. Autographed photos, albums, or T-shirts! I don't know about you, but all my searching will be done with KFed by my side. Don't forget to install the Firefox installs an extra search option at the top right of your browser.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Boeing 7-8-7

The Airbus A380 arrival yesterday was entertaining, but I have to give props to my company for their soon-to-be-released Boeing 787. They are selling quite a bit better because they aimed for fuel efficiency as opposed to super size. I just found out that they plan on completing the first plane on July 8, 2007 (7-8-07). Very nice. Look forward to the first flight sometime in late August.


The Boeing 787 is achieving the increased fuel efficiency by using composites (carbon fiber) instead of steel. The result is a fuel efficient, non-rusting, low maintenance plane with less parts and bigger windows! Amazing what a bunch of string and glue can do. Here's a picture of the factory building long strips of carbon fiber tape. Layers and layers of this stuff will build the fueslage, wings, and tail of the new plane.


Here's a nice link to a site that shows you where the plane is being built and assembled. (LINK)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 jumbo jet debuted today at both LAX and JFK International airports at 9:30 this morning. We all went to the roof to check out the landing. Using our work provided strategic viewpoints, I was able to capture a picture of the A380 stopped for a welcome ceremony. The A380 has a number of activites today, including some testing at the gates (this thing is huge). Here is a map as well as a comparison of the A380 with the Boeing 747. (LINK)

Airbus A380

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sweet 16 !

NCAA UCLA Indiana BasketballWell, the madness of the past 4 days has come to a close and the field of 64 teams has been reduced to the Sweet 16. Three of the six Pac-10 teams remain in the tournament: Oregon, USC, and UCLA! That's the most entries of all the conferences! The games continue this Thursday when #2 UCLA plays #3 Pittsburgh.

The victory against Indiana was primarily due to great performances by Darren Collison and Arron Afflalo, but it may also have been due to Jack's deep concentration during the last minutes of the game. He was all geared up yesterday:


Friday, March 16, 2007


March Madness is at its peak and even Jack is celebrating with us! He wore his UCLA socks yesterday to insure UCLA's defeat of Weber State. Tomorrow he'll be wearing his UCLA onesie to insure defeat of Indiana. Gotta love the madness...


Hope everyone's brackets are doing well and if you're a Duke fan....HA!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Summer Movies

Spiderman 3 will be coming out on May 4th and the good news is that a picture leaked out with Venom attacking Spiderman. That should make for some very interesting fight scenes. Can't wait.


Transfomers: The Movie comes out exactly two months later and it sounds like the creators are dedicated to keeping the same "dynamic" of the original characters (like Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, Starscream, etc) despite their obvious departure from the original vehicle designs. Apparently the American car companies did a great job selling their vehicles for the part. Bumblebee is a Camaro instead of a VW Beetle, and Jazz got downgraded from a Porsche Turbo to a Pontiac? Oh well.

Optimus Prime:

One of my big questions about the movie was how they were going to shrink Megatron down to a handgun and not make it look hokey? Well, it doesn't look like Megatron is just going to be a handgun this time around.

Monday, March 12, 2007

No, I'm not moving !

If you ever wanted a home on an island, you probably weren't imagining anything like this. This establishment in China refused to move despite all of its neighbors being bought out by a large development (for the Beijing Olympics). Apparently, since they have government connections, they didn't have to move. That didn't stop the bulldozers from doing their work. (LINK)


Friday, March 09, 2007

R2-D2 Mailboxes !

r2d2-leiaHopefully this is what you'll be looking like when you mail your next letter. The United States Postal Service is helping Star Wars celebrate its 30th Anniversary this year. They're making special R2-D2 mailboxes just for the occasion. I just hope they put one in my area.

They've set up a website at Nothing up just yet.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Growing and growing...

Buster the Footrest

Jack turned 6 weeks old on Monday and he's getting pretty big. He's been eating a ton and is as happy as ever. He went to Costco with us last night and managed to sleep the entire time. He stayed up and watched last week's Lost episode with us. (Was that not one of the lamest episodes ever? Nothing happened!) Shortly after, we went to bed and he set an all-time record with 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Until now he's only been able to pull off 2-3 hours at a time. What a good boy!


As I've said, Jack's been eating very well. Look at his milk belly!
Look at that milk belly.

Jack in his playpen with his fuzzy friends:
Hanging with my friends.

Joel and Tony came over Monday night for dinner and Joel took this picture of us. Great family picture!
Family Picture

See you guys later!
Happy Jack

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Ti3P Day !

Russell hopes you enjoy Talk in 3rd Person Day. Russell wants you to go out and spread the 3rd Person cheer to everyone you meet today.

Joanne is very excited about Ti3P today also.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Talk in 3rd Person Day

Don't forget! Tomorrow is 3/3! Russell wants you to spend all day talking in the third person. Go to the official website and blog:


Bunny Game

If you're having a rough day, a game with a bunny bouncing on bells should help cheer you up. Simple game. Just move your mouse to control his jumps! (LINK)


Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Madness

I'm sure you know that March is the month of leprechauns and basketball, but there's lots more. Mark your calendars!

March 3rd - The 2nd Annual Talk in 3rd Person Day is almost here! Get ready. Russell can't wait!

March 9th - 300 (the movie) comes out. I'm just excited by the great cinematography present in the trailers. (LINK)

March 11th - Daylight Savings starts up three weeks earlier this year as part of the Energy Policy Act. Daylight Savings ends on November 4th, a week later than normal. Daylight savings is 4 weeks longer this year! I talked about this last October in one of my blog entries. (LINK)

March 13th - The 2007 NCAA Basketball Tournament begins. Go UCLA!

March 17th - The day the leprechaun comes out from hiding. (LINK)

March 21st - Spring begins. When Southern California's weather changes from great to great.

Have a great month!