good times

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween

Like everyone else, we had a Halloween Party on Saturday. I was impressed with how many of us came with costumes! And for the first time in years, Joanne and I dressed up to celebrate. I was a baker, Joanne had a bun in the oven, and Buster was a hot dog. And check out our Halloween tree!

A hot dog, a baker, and a bun in the oven.

The Sasaki's did a great job dressing up as a pirate family. Arrrrrr!!!

The Pirate Sasaki's

Daniel and Amy dressed up Preston as a pirate. Check out the mean face he had on. Jill and Jeff had Jacob in his Elmo outfit...although it looks like he's a Two-headed Elmo here.

Pirate Preston and Elmo Jacob

Of course our event was a potluck and everyone brought great stuff. Check out the eyeballs and brains (spaghetti and meatballs) and the spooky bread claw!

The Spooky Spread
Have a great Halloween!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Save the daylight !

What time is it right now? Well, you can look at the bottom of your computer screen or check out this cool online one. (LINK)


This Sunday (last Sunday in October) marks the end of daylight savings time. At 2am, we'll be setting our clocks back one hour so we can reclaim our useable daylight and get one hour of extra sleep! I didn't realize that the government's argument for Daylight Savings is energy conservation. News to me.

"Theoretically, the amount of residential electricity needed in the evening
hours is dependent both on when the sun sets and when people go to bed. Because
people tend to observe the same bedtime year-round, by artificially moving
sunset one hour later, the amount of energy used is theoretically reduced."

In the United States, daylight savings is observed in all states but Arizona and Hawaii. Arizona chooses not to observe it because the state is so hot that people will only run their air conditioning systems longer if daylight was optimized. Hawaii does not observe daylight savings because they experience very little variation in their winter and summer days (based on their latitude). Alaska is trying to get rid of it and Indiana just started observing it this year.

To make things even more complicated, daylight savings will start at a different time next year based on the passing of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Instead of starting on the first Sunday in April, it will start on the second Sunday in March. Instead of ending on the last Sunday of October, it will end on the first Sunday of November. That's 4 extra weeks of daylight savings. After 9 months of the daylight savings change, Congress has the right to revert back to the old Daylight Savings schedule if it demonstrates no savings in energy or is unpopular by the American public.

The Energy Policy Act also addresses Halloween trick-or-treating. By extending daylight savings, we would have one more hour of daylight trick-or-treating or one less hour of evening trick-or-treating. What to do?

Anyway, what time is it?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ball to the face.

It works on so many levels. (LINK)


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's Peanut Butter Federline !

You know I'm having a good day if I have an opportunity to put K-Fed's picture on the blog. To get you all pumped, I recommend you check out someone's brilliant work of blending the well-known "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" song with Kevin Federline at his very best. (LINK)

Make sure this great little tune gets stuck in your head.

In other good news, Kevin Federline's new album, Playing With Fire, will get "dropped" on October 31st.

Now, a few days ago our buddy K-Fed showed up at a Celebrity WWE wrestling match only to be booed by the audience. How great is that? He's introduced as an "A-Lister", gets booed by the audience, then defeated via rap-battle and body slammed by WWE champ, John Cena.


It's the perfect series of events. Check out these 3 clips:

Clip #1: K-Fed gets introduced as an 'A-Lister' then gets booed (LINK)

Clip #2: K-Fed gets told that he has less talent than Paris Hilton (LINK)

Clip #3: K-Fed gets dropped to the mat! (LINK)

Peace out. Popozao.

Lost and Heroes

Lost VS Heroes

Lost, as you know, is a show that requires that you tune in each week to followup on the last cliffhanger episode. (Speaking of Lost, check out the new poll on the right) Heroes runs by the same formula, and after finally watching Monday's Heroes last night, I'm finding that I am a little more intrigued by Heroes than I am with Lost right now.


Of course, Wikipedia has a great article condensing information about the show. Here is a list of the main characters along with their superpowers.


There's a symbol that keeps reappearing in different scenes in each episode. When repeated, it resembles a DNA strand. I guess that makes sense.

There are also some graphic novels online that you can get directly from NBC's site. (LINK)

Start watching is you aren't already!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Name That Nintendo Game" Game

Here's a quiz...guess the Nintendo game based on the clues. Don't forget the hints at the bottom (25 point penalty each). (LINK)


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Court Reporters, Cinnamon Sticks, Gelato and the Lakers

I tried and tried and couldn't get these 4 topics to work together. Oh, well.

StenotypeCourt reporters: During my 2.5 week jury duty, I spent much time watching the court reporter use the stenotype machine. Needless to say I was intrigued. First, how can she hear what these people are saying and second, how does she type all that so fast with only 22 keys? Nothing a little wikipedia can't answer. They describe a stenotype as a phoenetic chorded keyboard which means you press multiple keys at the same time to create the phoenetic sounds of the words. The result is up to 300 words per minute. Amazing. Check out the keyboard layout:


CinnamonStickCinnamon sticks: Recently we attended a wedding that had a fantastic setup for the coffee. Good coffee, whippped cream, and cinnamon sticks! We were unsure exactly how they created cinnamon from cinnamon sticks. The answer isn't that great...they just grind up the bark to get the cinnamon. What is also interesting to note is that it's really cassia or "bastard cinnamon." Real cinnamon costs more. (LINK)

GelatoGelato: Over in Italy, we ate a lot of gelato. It's fantastic! But one thing that we never settled was what the critical difference is between ice cream and gelato. It's cream! Gelato uses milk, not cream, and is supercooled to reduce air content and make it more dense. Ice cream uses cream (I guess that makes sense). (LINK)

VujacicLakers: The preseason has begun and Lakers took their first win against Utah last night, 94-79. Kobe didn't play (sore knee), but Sasha Vujacic made the big plays in the game (here's a picture of him turning into Teen Wolf). Lamar Odom was the high scorer with 18. AND, Jordan Farmar (UCLA) made his debut scoring a field goal and a free throw after 4 minutes of play time. Go Lakers! (LINK)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


GoogleTubeIf you haven't heard already, Google just bought YouTube...probably my blog's largest content provider (or any blog for that matter). It looks like Google is continuing to expand its dominance of the world's internet. So how much does the most popular internet video site go for these days? $1.65 billion. Couldn't they have made it $1.651 billion and given me the measly $0.001 billion? (ARTICLE)

The good news is that YouTube's founders are maintaining the right to operate it independently...which is great news for me and you. YouTube's fruitful nature shall continue. Where would we be without direct access to gems like this?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tivo Gone Wild !

Finally TV has let go of reality and created some great shows to watch. Now our Tivo is going crazy trying to keep up. For the most part, here is our household lineup:


What are you watching? Anything you recommend?

DwightMy favorite show, The Office, is already going strong this season. It's the one show I have to see right away so I'm able to talk about it at work on Friday. The interactions between characters have become essential formulas for each episode: Michael and Dwight, Jim and Pam, Dwight and's all so good. And if you aren't watching the deleted scenes (available here) then you are missing out on part of the episode. They're not your typical "I know why they were deleted" scenes.

And I still have to watch Season 2 again on DVD.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Beautiful LA

Windows RestaurantMost people like to talk about how smoggy LA is, but Joanne and I had a great experience when we went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. We went to eat at Windows, a restaurant on top of the old Transamerica (now SBC) Building just south of the skyscraper cluster of downtown. It was a beautiful day and we were able to watch the sunset and enjoy a fantastic dinner.

Los Angeles at dusk
Sunset over LA

How was the dinner? It was fantastic. Joanne had the Kurabuta Pork Chop and I had the Kobe Ribeye Steak (my first time with Kobe beef).

Joanne's Kurabuta PorkMy Kobe Rib Eye Steak

And by the time we were enjoying dessert, the sun had set and we had a great view of Downtown LA at night.

Los Angeles at night

We had a great time and recommend it if you ever want to celebrate a special occasion.

Monday, October 02, 2006

2 years and counting...

Happy us!

Today marks our 2nd wedding anniversary. Hard to believe how quickly time passes. Guess we're having fun. We'll be celebrating later this week since Joanne has work today. :(

Sorry for the lack of blog entries lately, but I think it's time we'll be catching up. Stay tuned for pictures from our trip to Italy and Switzerland.

Here's a picture of us at Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy. What a beautiful place.

In Piazza San Marco